Onuegbu Festus


Arguably, the United Nations has always been looked at as ‘the most competent and credible international platform’ that has continued to effectively exist, so to say, to initiate meaningful actions towards tackling the multivariate challenges confronting the international system and humanity in general since its inception in 1945. The organization, inundated with this enormous but no less intriguing task, has on many occasions, with the instrumentality of its diplomatic machinery, passed noble ‘resolutions’ in form of purposive recommendations to ensure committed collaboration, corporation, and consensus among states in areas of critical international concern. Thus, these resolutions that bring nation-states into a common undertaking in specific areas of global interest consequently usher in regimes in those areas with emergence of ancillary or subsidiary agencies to the UN. It is against this backdrop that this paper, taking the path of the functionalist theoretical construct as the relevant framework of analysis, attempts to examine the circumstances and the underpinning variables that informed the emergence of these subsidiary agencies to UN, and the dynamics that predicate their continued international existence. Although, it is strongly contended that their emergence is functional to peace and stability universally, their inherent drawbacks cannot be vaguely denied. Therefore, the advocacy is that states should put in more diplomatic commitments and international sacrifices devoid of ‘high politics’ and less consideration of ‘sovereignty bigotry’ in order to improve on universal peace and global understanding.

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