Nkwali na Igba ohu n'Oge Ugbua: Mmetuta Asusu, Nghota na Nzikorita ozi

Onyinye Constance Amamgbo; Orji Ethel Odinakachi


Migration is the movement of a person or a group of people, to live in another place, often across a political or administrative border which can be temporal or permanent, voluntary or forced while slavery is a condition in which individuals are owned by others who control where they live and at what they work. Then in the olden days slavery, the understanding is buying and selling human beings but in this modern days, in terms of slavery has diverse meanings. In this write up, neo slavery is all about people endangering their lives through migrating from their own place of freedom, comfort, liberty to a far away place of bondage where they don’t know the language, no understanding of the environment and cannot communicate with the people around. This paper therefore is to enlighten the general public about the negativeness of this modern migration which includes lost, neo slavery in the side of women, poverty, stagnation and even death. The data used was survey method. Findings show that the pains in it supersede the gains. Suggestions isto create more works that will keep the people employed and earn a good livelihood. This is because when the people are living fine it will change their mentality from migrating to a distance on a search of greener pasture.

Nkwali p?tara mmad? ma?b? nd? mmad? isi n’ebe ha bi gaba ebe ?z? n’ihi enwegh? ihe ha na-eme. O nwere ike ?nod? ebe ah? nwa obere oge ma?b? ?t?t? oge. Ebe ?gba mgbere mmad? p?tara ?kp?r? mmad? n’ike mee ya ? b?r? ohu nke na ? nwegh?z? okwu aka ya. N’oge gboo, ?gba mgbere mmad? b? ire mmad? mana ugbu a, ?gba mgbere mmad? nweziri mp?tara ?z?. ?gba ohu oge ugbu a b? mmad? iji mmad? ibe ya egwuri egwu. Mgbe ?b?la mmad? hap?r? ebe obibi ya ma gaba ebe ?z? n’ihi oke ?ch?ch?, anyaukwu, ego mbute ma?b? ihe yiri nke a, ?nye ah? ah?gh? onwe ya n’anya. ?z?, as?s?, ngh?ta na nzik?r?ta ozi ga-ab?kwa ihe ?h?r? n’anya ya ma mee ka mmek?r?ta ya na nd? n? na gburugburu ah? sie ike. Mbunuuche nwach?cha b? ?gwa nd? mmad? ka ha kw?s? oke nkwali n’enwegh? isi nakwa nsogbu d? na ya d? ka mmad? ?kpafu akpafu, mmek? esigh? n’obi tumad? n’ebe ?m? nwaany? n?, oke ag??, nsogbu ebe obibi na ?nw? so ya. Nwanch?cha ji aj?j? ?n? mee nch?cha a. Nch?p?ta gosiri na ah?h? na ?gh?m d? na ya kar?r? uru ya. Ar? nwanch?cha na-at? ar?ka nd? g??ment? wube ?t?t? ?r? nye nd? mmad? iji nwete ezigbo ebimund?. ?z?, nd? mmad? ?gba mb? m?? ?r? aka ga-enyere ha aka na nd? n’ihi na mgbe nd? mmad? nwere ihe ha na-eme oge niile, echiche nkwali ga-akw?s? ma p?? n’obi ha kpamkpam.

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