P.F.U. Nwankwo


Marriages are intended to last forever or at least, till death do the couple part. This ideal is however becoming a mirage in recent times. The phenomenon of failed marriages are on the increase in Nigeria with its attendant bad effects on families, society and the nation. Marriages are not supposed to fail if pre-martial, and marital precautions are taken. These pre-martial precautions include courtship, during which period the spouses are supposed to learn the ways of life of each other. Instead of doing this, would-be spouses nowadays concentrate on having sexual knowledge of each other, ignoring the noble ideals of courtship. Instead of emphasizing love, they emphasis material wealth. They carry this concept into the marriage and other wrong shenanigans combined with their wrong notion which result in a crash of the marriage. When marriages crash, the family, the society and the nation are worse off. The family suffers the broken-home phenomenon, ill-bred children are turned into the society where they constitute various social problems like armed robbery, prostitution, cultism etc. This article analysis this concept of ideal marriage and the cankerworms that eat it up, resulting in failed marriage, and what can be done to stem the tide. Firmary and secondary sources of information will be used for this research work. Inter-alia it is recommended that wouldbe spouses should benefit from the period of courtship to study themselves for the preservation of their marriage.

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