
Man unsustainable activities such as, wood logging, bush burning, unregulated hunting of wildlife, over–grazing, deforestation, oil spills, gas flaring, artisanal mining, urbanization among others which usually results to some adverse environmental impact like climate change, loss of carbon sink, desertification, pollution, depletion of biological resources, coastal erosion and flooding are the major limitations to sustainable development of environmental resources in Nigeria. However, in order to prevent the total annihilation of environmental resources and to conserve same for the benefits of both present and future generations. Legislationsand policies have evolved which aimed at addressing the unsustainable uses of environmental resources highlighted above. This paper finds that despite the plethora of laws on resources sustainability and conservation in Nigeria, people still embark on unhealthy practices which impact on eco system leaving lives worst for it. It also finds that there is a serious gap between laws and its enforcement in Nigeria as those responsible of its enforcement are either ill trained and unequipped or affected by corruption that has eaten deeply into the system. It further finds that industrial emissions of fumes and toxic substances go on unchecked due to lack of political wills to end same. The aim of this paper is to examine the concept of sustainable development of environmental resources in Nigeria and its limitation. In view of the identified challenges, this paper recommends as follows: the government concerned should carry out a serious law reforms on the area of environmental resources management. There should be adequate trainings for the agencies responsible for the enforcement of environmental laws and there is also need to equip them with modern facilities for dictating pollutants and chemical emissions. There is need for serious public enlightenment and awareness on the need to sustain environmental resources. Governments should establish special courts all over the federation with the exclusive jurisdiction to try violators of laws on sustainable development and the judges to be appointed should be those with expert knowledge on environmental laws, among other recommendations.

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