Boumo Ezonbi


This paper examines the evolving political structure of Nigeria since the country achieved independence in 1960. This analysis focuses on the lessons and realities of Nigeria's journey since independence, and the future hope for the nation. By discussing significant events in Nigerian politics, including military coups, government corruption, and regional tensions, the paper provides an overview of the major events that have shaped the nation's political landscape. It argues that Nigeria's political history is one of both challenges and opportunities and that in recent years, the nation has seen increasing levels of stability and accountability in its political system. This paper begins by examining Nigeria's initial structure and stability at the time of independence. It then goes on to discuss the effects of the various military coups that have occurred in the nation's history, including their impact on the nation's central government and its political parties and regional tensions. It then turns to the social and economic realities of the Nigerian polity, articulating the challenges the nation has faced since independence, and how these challenges have been addressed by successive governments. The paper then examines the current state of Nigerian politics, focusing on the nation's progress in terms of institutional stability, political accountability, and economic progress. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the history and evolution of Nigeria's political system since independence. By examining the nation's progress in terms of stability, social and economic development, and the resultant effects on governance, the paper highlights both the challenges associated with Nigerian politics and the measure of hope for the nation in its future. It argues that, while Nigeria has faced and continues to face many difficulties, there is reason to be optimistic about the prospects of the nation's political future.

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