Ntụgharị Okwu Metụtara Njemala site Na Bekee Fere N'Igbo

Medolu Agatha


E deela á»tụtụ ihe banyere ntụgharị, ma ebe ihe á»mụmụ a na-elegara anya bụ n'ihe gbasara ntụgharị okwu ndị metụtara njem, á»kachasị ka o si metụta njemala. Njem dị mkpa na ndụ mmadụ dịka mmiri dị mkpa na ndụ azụ. Mgbe á» bụla ka mmadụ na-ebuli n'otu ụzá» ije n'ebe á»zá». Nke a mere ịma maka ngwa njem na ndịá»rụ nchekwaba ndị njem ji bụrụ ihe dị mkpa na ndụ mmadụ. Ngwa maá»bụ á»rụ nchekwaba ndị njem nwere ike ibụ nke njemelu, njemmiri maá»bụ njemala. A bịa na njemala nke bụ ebe mgbakwasi ụkwụ anyị n'ihe á»mụmụ a, ndịá»rụ nchekwaba njemala nwere ike ịgunye ndị rodu sefti ká»á»z, ndị nleta á»ná»dụ ụgbá»ala okporoụzá», ndị uwe ojii na ndịá»rụ nhazi á»giga ụgbá»ala n'ụzá». A na-achá»pụta na á»tụtụ ndị a na-eme njemala amaghịá»tụtụ ihe a na-akpá» akụkụ ahụ na nkenụdi ngwa njemala nakwa ndịá»rụnjemala n'asụsụ Bekee ma á» bụ kwanụ n'asụsụ Igbo. Ọná»dụ amaghị aka nri na aka ekpe a n'ebe okwu ndị metụtara njemala dị na-ewetakari á»tụtụ nsogbu n'ụzá» ije. Ọná»dụ dị otu a ahụtara, kpalitere mmụỠime nchá»cha metụtara ntụgharị okwu ụgbá»ala n'á»gbatumtum n'ebe á» pụrụ iche. A ga-esite na nchá»cha a wee mụbaa okwu á»hụrụ n'asụsụ Igbo. A gbasoro atụtụ nji arụá»rụ nke Bekee kpá»rá»'Skopos theory' wee mee nchá»cha. Atụtụ a bụ nke na-ekwu maka itinye ihe niile ga-eweta ezi echiche na nghá»ta n'á»rụ ntụgharị. N'ihe á»mụmụ a, a chá»pụtara na-enwere ike igbaso usoro ndị a mee ntụgharị. Ha bụ ntụgharị nsoronelu, okwu nye okwu, usoro ntụgharị mbite okwu dgz. Aro a naatụnye bụ na á» dị mkpa ka e merekwa ụdịrị ihe á»mụmụ a n'aga n'ihu á»kachasị ebe o metụtara njem ndị á»zá» dịka njem okporoigwe, njemelu na njemmiri. Ihe á»mụmụ dị otu a ga-enye aka ịkwalite asụsụ Igbo ka á» dị n'ogogo asụsụ mba ụwa ndi á»zá».


A lot have been written on translation but this study focuses on translation of land transportation. Transportation is indispensable to man. This is why it is very necessary to have an enriched study on the means of transportation, types and workers in the transportation industry. Study on means and workers on transportation could be on air, sea or land transportation. In land transportation, which is the bedrock of our study in this research, workers on land transportation could be road safety workers, vehicle inspection officers, police and traffic control workers. It has been observed that many road users do not know the t e r m s a s s o c i a t e d w i t h l a n d transportation either in English or Igbo. This leads to a lot of problems to the travelers. This pathetic situation has spurred this study on the translation of the road transportation terms especially on vehicle and motorcycles. This research will lead to the formation of new words in Igbo language, thereby promoting the language. The Skopos theory was used in this research. This theory is all about putting into work all translation techniques that will enhance good translation. The translation techniques include calque, literal translation, borrowing etc. It is suggested that this kind of research be extended to the other means of transportation for instance rail t r a n s p o r t a t i o n , a i r a n d s e a transportation. This type of study will help to upgrade the status of Igbo language thereby promoting the standard to that of other languages of the world.

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