A Critical Assessment of Traditional Approaches to the Study Semantics

Florence E. Oghiator


This paper examines three traditional theories to the study of semantics. They are the referential theory, the image theory and the contextual or operational theory of meaning. The research is carried out to know how meaning is viewed, that is how the meaning of a word is portrayed. Furthermore, this research is done in order to examine and understand the three traditional theories of meaning. This study examines each theory one after the other, stating their proponders, strengths and weaknesses. From the findings in the three theories, the conclusion is that there is no particular theory of meaning that is sufficient to account for meaning. As such, there are limitations in the traditional theories to the study of semantics. In other words, meaning is not just tied to theories; referential, image and contextual. It therefore means that meaning varies, it could be universal, regional, racial, tribal, personal, and religious.

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