Re-Examining the Problems of Teaching and Learning of English as a Second Language in Nigeria: The Igbo L2 Users Example

Juliana Chinwe Njoku & Benjamin C. Nwokedi


The English Language stands out as a colossus bestriding over 400 indigenous languages spoken in Nigeria. Due to political, social and economic reasons, the English Language was adopted as a second language (L2) in Nigeria. The Nigerian learner of English is assumed to have already acquired an indigenous language as his/her first language (L1) before being exposed to English especially for those in the rural areas. The tendency therefore is for learners to carry over the system of his/her L1 into L2 amongst other problems encountered in teaching and learning English as a second language. This study is therefore aimed at re-examining the problems of teaching and learning English as a second language in Nigeria. The objectives include: To review the linguistic factors such as interference from the learners L1; to examine the difficulties inherent in English Language itself and to proffer possible solutions to the identified problems. The result of the study shows that the linguistic problems that students encounter are: phonological errors, syntactic errors, improper separation of codes amongst others. This work adopts a contrastive analysis approach. It is recommended that the teaching of English should not be made an all comers affairs. Government should provide periodic in service training and language learning materials for all language teachers and schools respectively.

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