Dr. Ivie Deborah Nwosu


Health is wealth! Ironically the health sectors responsible in guaranteeing that the citizens are healthy, have become questionable in their role. They are apparently contributing to environmental pollution in the society through their waste products known as clinical or medical waste. The earth has been put on trial to answer for a crime it did not commit, as medical waste pollution has become an alarming situation in developing countries and a quick response is needed to salvage mankind and his environment from ruin. Environmental sustainability cannot be achieved if wastes from hospitals and similar health centers are not properly managed. Could it be said that the health sector given the role of ensuring the wellness of its citizens is a contributory factor to the very illness which society suffer from? The study is aimed at analyzing relevant statutes in addressing medical-waste menace in Nigeria. The method used is doctrinal with resorts to the use of primary and secondary sources. The problem of environmental pollution, specifically medical waste pollution is a global phenomenon, and developing countries such as Ghana, Namibia and Nigeria are worst hit, because of their inefficient waste management systems and inability to enforce environmental statutes. In conclusion, medical waste cannot be simply thrown away anymore, rather, it must be expertly handled. This study recommends that proper medical waste disposal methods should be carried out in line with statutory standards for effective management and protection of the environment. Medical waste management is not only necessary for maintaining a hygienic environment. It is also important in reducing probable health hazards.

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