Pedagogy and Teachers’ Competence in the Effective Teaching of Geography in Nigerian Schools

Oluwaseun Mercy OLALEYE & Abiodun Ade OGUNBOYE


There is a growing concern about the standard of teacher preparationon a global scale. Therefore, issues relating to teacher preparationand professional competencies have drawn more attention in recentliterature (Urban et al., 2018; Havia et al., 2022). Quality education,as proposed in Sustainable Development Goals 4 (Ojewumi, 2020),can be achieved only when classrooms are occupied by well-trainedand professionally competent teachers. When it comes to the teachingof geography, pedagogy and teachers’ competence should be at theforefront of the discussion. This is because, as with any field of study,teachers need to be competent in the subject matter, understandwhat instructional method to use and also take to cognizance therole the learners have to play in the method of instruction deliveryin order to aid effective learning.

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