Teachers Competence in Research Writing: A Systematic Approach



Research methodology is not only one of the requirements for theaward of a degree in the Nigerian tertiary institutions but also oneof the tools for measuring teachers’ competence. Oftentimes,students in the Nigeria tertiary institutions do face the problem ofwhat constitute the fundamental principle of a research due toimproper training on how a competent-based research is beingcarried out. This unit is set to educate the readers and students inthe tertiary institutions on the requirements of a well-articulatedresearch with a bid to reducing the acrimony that do exist betweenthe supervisors and the supervisees while students are writing theirlong essays or project. Human beings on performing their dailyactivities encounter various forms of problems which necessitatesolutions. The solutions to these problems will require research intothe problems, which connotes investigation, finding out, again andagain.

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