Mokwenye Ekene Michael


This piece has studied the power of Igwebuike philosophy developed by Knau Ikechukwu
Anthony. It was this philosophy that made Africans what they were, a people united for
the sake of the collective good. The current prevalence of selfish divisions and continuous
waste of blood powered by selfish interests across global religions, economies and politics
must be conquered by Ike Igwebuike. The only consistency and time tested phenomenon
amidst divergent views lies in the unity of any situation. The tripartite religion of
Christianity, Judaism and Islam all agree in the unity of God as one and all powerful
creator of the best universe ever created; thus the fermenters of all left descending
ideologies are working against the unity of the human species. Man in his deceptive
cleverness has deviated from the principle of Igwebuike and built a money triggering wall
around them. Egocentricism breeds selfishness and destruction but the power of unity
dispels all thought of evil. For the purpose of this study the Igwebuike method of research
was employed.

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