Nwaiwu Chris Okey


This  paper  identified  the  English  language  as  the  most  valuable  legacybequeathed  to  Nigeria  by  the ColonialAdministration. It acknowledgedthe fact that language generally, is one factor that has enhanced the  advanced  state  of  man’s  mental  development,but  singled  outEnglish  as  one  language  that  is fundamental  in  the  technological  advancement  of  Nigeria  which  the  paper  opined,  is  an  index  of  how mentally developed a nation is. It arguedthat if the present economic development of Nigeria is traceable to  the  influx  of  science  and  technology,  then  the  English  language which isusedto  create,  express, interpret and transmit technology neededto be accorded serious priority. The paper finally concludedon the  importance  of  English  in  our  technological  advancement  and  recommendedfor  a  result  oriented English language teaching for our Polytechnics and related technological institutions.

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