Linda Chinelo Nkamigbo


Naming is a universal linguistic act. In Africa, naming is linked with traditions, values, beliefs, and events in people's lives. This study firstly presents sociocultural relevance of personal names in Igbo. Personal names in Igbo reveal important insights into the patterns of social and cultural organization of the Igbo society. The paper discusses the typology of Igbo names such as family names, occupational names, circumstantial names, market day names, kinship names, honorifics and title names, metaphoric names, etc. Igbo naming systems depict the Igbo culture and philosophy because an indigenous Igbo name identifies the bearer as a member of the Igbo society and carves a space for him/her in the society. In the traditional Igbo society, name givers chose personal names that reflect their culture. However, the changing modern and religious influences on the land and the people have left their impact on naming patterns. This results in changing naming practices. The paper, therefore, attempts a study of naming forms and change in Igbo identity within the framework of social and cultural dynamics. The paper reveals that names are no longer driven by the traditional Igbo philosophy rather by some external factors like new religions, urbanization and Western philosophy.

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