Girl Culture, Girl Power in Fraction/Infraction of Nupe Music and Dance: A Chaotic Reading

Muhammad Alkali & Muhammad Shariff


This cultural study explores the structure of the male–female dance relations from the perspective of Chaos Theory, applying it to the analysis of body language/interaction in Nupe music and dance. The study uses Chaos Theory in securing the fact that the world is both disordered and ordered, and that man is both bound yet free in sexual matters, for example. The theory works in-between our world, spreading and widely utilised in variety of disciplines, including cultural, literary, and Islamic studies. Equally, Theatre de Complicité encourages fragmentation and nonlinearity for structure, and physicality and visual imagery for performance, especially as found in this study’s sexual music and sexual dance performance in Niger State. Since the theory favours extensive process of improvisation, it is not, therefore, within the compass of one philosophy or viewpoint, hence, Chaos Theory as an outgrowth from Mathematics is within the background of limitlessness as a path for eternity. Chaos Theory is deemed to be the appropriate choice for analysis that provides avenue for escape from soul-crushing mechanical view of, for example, sexual matters in critical approaches thereby furnishing an alternative language and scope for literary and religious interpretations. The hypothesis of the study is that it is normally a girl’s culture to be soft, fresh, and beautiful, which invites sexual attraction, which in turn, often results in sexual harm in societies. When she enters a dance arena, male–female interaction has capacity to be something else, religiously and socially.

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