Nigerian Journals Online (NJOL)

Welcome to Nigerian Journals Online.

Nigerian Journals Online (NJOL) is a platform that hosts and indexes academic journals from various higher institutions and associations. It enhances the online visibility of Nigerian research and researchers through the Open Journals System, with journals also indexed on Google Scholar.

The content published on Nigerian Journals Online (NJOL) is provided by individual authors and institutions. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy, NJOL does not guarantee the completeness, reliability, or correctness of the information contained in the journals.

NJOL is not responsible for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the published materials. Authors are solely accountable for the originality of their work, and any instances of plagiarism, copyright infringement, or ethical violations are their responsibility. If any errors or cases of plagiarism are identified, NJOL reserves the right to take appropriate action, including retraction or removal of affected content.


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Ebonyi Journal of Languages and Literary Studies or, simply, EJLLS, is a quarterly international peer reviewed journal. It publishes quality theoretically and empirically based well researched articles that engage issues within or relevant to the fields of language, linguistics, and literature, including issues cutting across other fields in the arts, humanities, social sciences and pure (applied and natural) sciences. EJLLS is an open source journal providing free access to its contents. The journal publishes only research articles that are in tandem with current and international standards.

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ECMR Journal of Multidisciplinary Research

A Publication of Ekwueme Centre for Multidisciplinary Research, ECMR, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka Nigeria

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Education Journal is an open access, peer-review, and academic journal published quarterly on ITS. The Journal is dedicated to publishing the research and review papers facilitating the global exchange of education theory.

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Igbo Scholars Forum, Nigeria has three international journals all of which are multidisciplinary journals aiming to search, collect, analyse and evaluate Igbo/African thoughts and beliefs as it concerns humanity and her world of science, religion, politics, education, medicine, economy, social life, history, law and order, culture and civilization, engineering, business relations, comparative politics, strategy and environment, public policy, language, philosophy, etc. She therefore calls for well researched papers for publication in any of these three journals: Ekwe Journal, IgboScholars International Journal and Ideal International Journal all dedicated to the systematic articulation of Igbo/African ideas.

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EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD)

EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD)-ISSN: 2455-7838  is a monthly Peer-reviewed & Indexed international Online journal that considers papers in all areas of research. This journal publishing in English only. The journal's publisher is EPRA Journals. SJIF Impact Factor (2023) is 8.574 & ISI (2019) is 1.241, Journal DOI:10.36713/epra2016. The journal is dedicated to increasing the depth of knowledge with the ultimate aim of improving research. The Journal invites original, Unpublished research, review papers in inter-disciplinary areas. 

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The Esut public Law Journal is a publication of Department of Public Law, Faculty of Law, Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT)

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International Journal of Ethics and Values (IJEV) is a peer blind reviewed and fully referred journal published by Ethics and Values Ambassadors International Association (EVAIA). It publishes original and well researched papers from scholars . The Journal is committed to intercultural and interdisciplinary research on ethics and value systems across the globe. Since ethics and values are considered the bedrock of every society, the journal covers areas of politics, education, philosophy, economics, culture, technology, language, arts, pure and applied sciences, communication, etc. The journal also promotes new scientific innovations in the interconnectivity of research on social cohesion and integration of human society. It also gives new insight towards reformation and restoration of the fundamental human values across board. The Journal is affiliated to the Department of Philosophy, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Igbariam. It is indexed on Google Scholar

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