Scholastica Ezeodili, Shaibu Haruna


Code-switching remains a well-known linguistic phenomenon in many multilingual societies around the world, and so it is with the igala speakers of Kogi state in Nigeria. Apart from English which is the official language of the country, the heavy influence of other Nigerian languages such as Yoruba, Hausa, Igbo, Idoma and Arabic has succeeded in adulterating the Igala language. This study aims at identifying and analyzing some of the areas of code switching and the impact of the languages mentioned above on the igala language. The factors that lead to the language mix in offices, the market, church and mosque where the impact of this phenomenon is most marked will be identified. The consequences are very serious, for instance, the igala spoken today is an adulterated form. The pure and natural form of the language is no longer heard, especially now that some regard it as a mark of civilization, classicism and being sociable. The study is based on Markers' theory of MyersScotton. To reawaken the promotion of this language, we recommend among others the adoption of Igala as a communication medium at the family level and in the first three years of primary school.

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