Ekebosi Nzubechukwu Christian, Au. N Nnonyelu,, Ignatius Uche Nwankwo


This study appraises theemployees’ perception of theirlevel of job satisfaction in federal Universities in
the Southeast zone of Nigeria. The study adopted a mixed method research design. The sample size for
the study comprised of one thousand and four-three 1,043 respondents, selected through the Proportionate
Stratified Sampling Technique. The structured Questionnaire schedule and In-Depth Interview (IDI)
Guide were used to collect data for the study. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software
version 21 was used to process the quantitative data and descriptive statistics including frequency count,
and simple percentages were used to analyse the data. In addition, the qualitative data was analysed using
content analysis. Findings of the study indicated that employees in the federal Universities within the
study area had minimal level of job satisfaction. The study therefore recommended the need for the
National Universities Commission (NUC) to initiate annual conference for top management officers
within different Universities in Nigeria, which will be focused on how to improve the QWL of the
employees so that their job satisfaction will improve.

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