Nneke Charles Azxbxike


This study surveyed the position of music as one of the ways by which easthetic of Ijele masquerade performance is potrayed. The aim of this research is to remind the Igbo people of the importance of music in human life. The musical easthetics of Ijele masquerade performance shows how high esteemed it is held amongst the Igbo. However, irrespective of the position of music in the human life, the music of Ijele masquerade performance has not received meaningful scholarly attention. This study is provoked in order to bring to lime light the importance of music in Ijele masquerade performance. The area of the study is on the Oral Literature, hence it concerns itself on the easthetic and position of music in the life of Igbo using Ijele masquerade performance to bring the message home. The data used in the study are sourced from personal observation, oral interview, library and internet. ‘Pyschological Theory’ is adopted for analysis of the study because of its ability to unearth the the store house of unconscious mind. The findings in the study revealed that music occupies a place of honour in Ijele masquerade performance, it is a tradition that potray social rank of the people, their culture, belief and philosophy. The music of Ijele masquerade performance has three main easthestic such as ear, eye and mouth. The study will be of great value to the public, and any person interested in the study of easthestic, music and Ijele masquerade.

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