Strategies for Combating Academic Dishonesty in Tertiary Institutions

Uchenna Oluchukwu Okechukwu


Academic dishonesty in tertiary education poses notable challenges to the integrity of academic institutions, undermining the value of educational credentials and compromising the learning experience. This paper explores the various forms of academic dishonesty, including plagiarism, cheating in exams, and examines their detrimental effects on students, educators, and the broader academic community. The analysis reveals that such misconduct not only erodes trust but also hampers the development of critical thinking and ethical standards among students. This research is carried out using a doctrinal methodology. This involves both library and desk research. The author made a detailed and comprehensive review of statute, text books, journals, articles, conference papers and internet materials. To combat this pervasive issue, the paper proposes effective strategies for minimizing cheating, including fostering a culture of integrity, implementing technology-driven solutions, and enforcing academic integrity policies consistently. By adopting a comprehensive approach that emphasizes prevention and education, institutions can better safeguard academic integrity and promote a more honest and enriching educational environment.

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