J. Anene Nwankwegu


This paper offers a comprehensive examination of grammatical analysis frameworks, with a focus on exploring alternative approaches beyond rule-based generative grammar. Motivated by the dominance of generative grammar in linguistic education and research, the study aims to broaden scholars' understanding by investigating constraint-based frameworks such as Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG) and Constraint-Based Phrase Structure Grammar (CPSG). The methodology involves an in-depth review of literature, including seminal works by Chomsky, Pollard, and Sag, to provide insights into the historical context, theoretical foundations, and methodological differences among the frameworks. Findings from the comparative analysis reveal key similarities and differences, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each approach. Notable strengths of constraint-based frameworks include their descriptive power and flexibility in capturing linguistic phenomena, while limitations include challenges in constraint formulation and integration. The implications for linguistic research are significant, emphasizing the importance of embracing diverse theoretical perspectives and fostering an inclusive approach to grammatical analysis. The paper concludes with a call for scholars to consider multiple frameworks, envisioning a future of collaborative exploration that advances our understanding of language structure and processing. Through this intra-disciplinary theoretical exploration, we can contribute to the ongoing evolution of linguistic theory and enrich the broader intellectual discourse in linguistics.

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