Ndị Ntorobịa na Olile Anya Asụsụ Igbo

Ihunanya Daniel Ilechukwu, Chinwe Ezenagụ


The contemporary Igbo youths have deviated from the study and use of the Igbo language in communication to the extent that they now regard anyone who does this not only as a local champion but an insane. This is the foremost problem that prompted these researchers to delve into this essay so as to uncover the challenges being faced by the Igbo language both in written and oral communication. Through this research, it was investigated whether the influence of some foreign languages contribute to the sorry state of the Igbo Language at present. The major objective of this essay is to ascertain the causes of the neglect of the Igbo language by youths and thereby finding lasting solutions to them. Some of the causes of the neglect of the Igbo language are mentioned in this paper. Findings reveal amongst other things that parents who would prefer to bring their children up in the English language rather than their own indigenous language constitute the major problem facing the Igbo language today. The essay is of a very great significance to such as teachers, students, mass media, etc. The work is well structured for easy readership

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