Empowering Ghanaian Women in Cocoa Farming: Contributions, Prospects and Challenges

Dorcas Owusua


Women famers in Ghana do not only contribute to Ghanaian Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and economy, but also manage home resources and farm produce very effectively. Yet, their enormous contributions are yet to gain deserving scholastic attention and exploration. This study appraises the role played by these women in cocoa farming, the challenges they face, and the empowerment strategies employed to elevate the livelihood of women and youth as well as the impact of women empowerment, their involvement and the strategies deployed. The study draws from observation, introspection and secondary data from the internet. Qualitative method, thematic and content analyses, systematic review and descriptive and interpretive tools are employed. The analysis shows that amidst the challenges faced by women cocoa farmers in Ghana, they resiliently contribute hugely to cocoa industry, Ghanaian GDP and economy, and home care economy and resource management. The study concludes that involving and empowering women in the sector offers huge opportunities to the women in particular and the society at large. It calls on stakeholders to address gender imbalances between women and male cocoa farmers in Ghana, and address other challenges militating against the ideal contributions of these women to the industry, the country’s GDP and economy, and their families’ resources and wellbeing.

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