Crimes and Human Abuse as Repressive Apparatus: Critical Interpretations of Onyeka Onyekuba’s Regal Dance

Ifeoma Ezinne Odinye; Ifunanya Anaelom


This study explores Crimes and Human Abuse as repressive apparatus in Onyeka Onyekuba’s Regal Dance. The discussion in this paper has adopted critical theories in explicating identifiable crimes and abuse, with their impression of factuality—the subsequent emergence of psychological abuse and physical violence against male and female characters. Marxist theory is applied in exploring all the crimes perpetuated by the greedy capitalists—leaders with the mentality of radical “Bourgeoisie”. From Marx’s perspective, the society is divided into two classes: Bourgeois and Proletariats—relevant aspects that fit into Althusser’s ideology. The apparatus highlighted by Althusser (1971) are tools adopted by the ruling class (Bourgeois) to keep the Proletariats (masses) under control. The apparatus discussed in this paper are: Repressive State Apparatus (RSA) and Ideological State Apparatus (ISA). The interpretation of incidents as beacons of “Ideological State Apparatus” is explored in this study to assist in exposing the evil of capitalism. Marx’s prediction of revolution as the solution to end capitalism is employed as a means to curtail the excesses of the bourgeoisie. Significantly, Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalysis and its related traumatic concepts are used in interpreting different forms of abuse inherent in the selected play. The inter-play of psychoanalytical concepts over crimes and human abuse clearly revealed the mental deformation (neurosis) associated with trauma. Freud’s personality theory of ‘Id’, ‘Ego’ and ‘Superego’, visible defence mechanisms, Caruth’s ‘unrepresentability’ and pluralistic model of ‘unspeakability’ of trauma are intricately intertwined with the perspectives of interpretation. This study aims to debunk the untouchable status of capitalists and the perception that capitalist’s abuse is limited to physical damage. The paper postulates collective assertive consciousness or revolution to combat crimes and human abuse.

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