Origin and Development of Photography Industry in Sokoto Metropolis C.1903-1978

Oyewole Clement Oyeyemi; Adetutu Segun Adewale


Photography remains an important source of historical documentation, since it makes events more real by providing more than a glimpse into historical events, people and places. Thus, it evokes the look and feeling of a former time period. Nonetheless, the subject of photography has not received adequate attention in historical scholarship. This paper therefore examines the origin and development of photography within Sokoto metropolis to document the impact of photography in Sokoto metropolis. Using qualitative methods of data collection, including oral interview, archival documents, and written text, the paper notes the efforts of individuals involved in the expansion of the industry in Sokoto metropolis. The paper reveals that pre-colonial Sokoto city, enjoyed artistic impressions of important personalities, events and places that served as a means of historical documentation, until the introduction of modern photography by European Travelers in the middle of 19th century and later by British colonial government. This culminated in the establishment of colonial office in-charge of photography, commercial photo studios and by the last two decades of the20th century, the establishment of photo printing laboratories largely due to the awareness of the importance of photography in keeping memory of events and people alive more lucidly.

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