Patriarchal Marriage in Nigeria and the Feminist Struggle for True Liberation of Women: The Role of the Church

Ibe, Michael Chukwuebuka


This work, Patriarchal Marriage in Nigeria and the Feminist Struggle for True Liberation of Women: the Role of the Church discusses the root causes of women’s marginalization especially in the Nigerian society. The patriarchal structure of marital relationship is one of unequal power relationship which privileges male domination. This makes the recognition of full humanity of woman on equal footing with men difficult, resulting to maltreatment of women and other forms of abuses. This dehumanizes the women folk and infringes on their human dignity. The feminist struggle in the right sense, is to restore the dignity of womanhood by giving them their right of self-determination. Data were collected using primary and secondary sources, the descriptive-sociological and philosophico-theological methods were employed for data analysis and interpretation. The findings reveal that patriarchy is the basis of asymmetrical relationship between men and women and gives a relational map for continuous subservience of women. This finds justification in certain cultural beliefs and practices of the people as well as some scriptural interpretation and theological stand points. The church has a role play in this struggle as scriptural and theological interpretations which support the dignity of women and recognition of women as sharing in the same humanity with men are obvious too. This work will help the people especially policy makers and religious leaders to tackle the issue. It contributes to the body of knowledge by bringing the aspect wherein the church can help in the dethronement of the ideological foundations that support patriarchy.

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