The Impact of Globalization on African Development

Hamuel Oti Chukwu


The North and South's economies and societies clearly have growing disparities. The historical role of colonialism and imperialism, the presence of multinational businesses in Third World nations, dependence, and neo-imperialism are only a few of the causes of these. Or to put it another way, globalism is to blame for the growing gap between developed and developing nations. In light of this, this essay investigates how globalization has affected African development. This research cannot be submitted to quantitative analysis by its very nature, hence it used the qualitative research approach. The quantitative analytical method entails obtaining and employing statistical tools to analyze primary data, as opposed to the former which comprises content analysis of already published documented works on the subject. Therefore, the latter is not required in a study of this kind. The research demonstrates that even while colonialism is no longer practiced in Africa, the economic policies put in place at the time have continued to have an impact on the type and scope of the development challenges that African countries face today. It is recommended that before Africa can achieve development, it must take back control of determining the course of development in its individual nations.

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