The Quest for Biafra’s Nationhood: Reality or Chimera

Dan O. Chukwu; Brendan O. Aroh


There is no gainsaying the fact that Biafra's agitation for nationhood has been of great concern to the Nigerian state. This has attracted the attention of scholars who have written profusely on the Biafran agitation. Notwithstanding this plethora of works, none has attempted to examine the feasibility of the agitation. This paper undertakes this task by relying on data available from secondary and primary sources in which the analytical and qualitative methods of research were employed. This paper argues that the Biafran vision for nationhood appears largely untenable. This is on account of a blend of subversiveness from some Igbo political elite, the suppression by the Nigerian state as well as indifference from the international community and organisations.

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