The Role of Traditional Igbo Musical Instruments in Socialization

Emmanuel Umezinwa; Dieudonne Kodichukwu Ezeanyim


Music is a key aspect of culture and socialization, and each culture uses music in different ways. This paper explores the traditional Igbo musical instruments and their roles in socialization among the Igbo people of Nigeria. The paper examines how family, education, social institutions, festivals, justice and punishment are related to the music played by the Igbo people. The paper also analyzes how the musical instruments, tempo and mood vary according to the type and purpose of the activity. The paper argues that traditional Igbo musical instruments reflect and shape the social norms and values of the Igbo people in various contexts and occasions The paper will use a mixed-method approach, combining literature review, fieldwork, and case study, to collect and interpret data on Igbo musical instruments and their roles in social institutions.

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