Multimodal Discourse Analysis of HIV/AIDS Campaign Messages on Billboards in Federal College of Education Yola, Adamawa State

Jamila AbdulAzeez Buba; Dr Hamzah Abdurraheem; Dr W. O. Salawdeen


This research investigated the effective utilisation of visual and textual elements in HIV/AIDS awareness billboards to promote awareness and prevention. Four billboards were purposively selected from the Federal College of Education Yola in Adamawa State, North-Eastern Nigeria. The samples were collected through photographs. Through meticulous semiotic analysis, the significance of symbols, emphasising the use of the red ribbon as a universal marker of HIV/AIDS awareness, was explored. The supplementary symbols on these billboards are meticulously chosen to underline the potential consequences of risky behaviour and underscore the gravity of the disease. In parallel, the textual analysis delves into the language employed on these billboards, revealing a direct, clear, and concise style that employs imperative and declarative sentence structures, capitalisation for emphasis, and strategic repetition of key points. The language is geared towards evoking emotional impact, promoting education, and encouraging proactive behaviour. Recurring themes of awareness, consequences, personal responsibility, and urgency were observed through thematic analysis, underscoring the consistency in messaging across all billboards. These results indicate that the harmonious integration of visual and textual components successfully convey the crucial message of HIV/AIDS prevention and the significance of responsible behaviour.

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