Nigeria 1 Word Formation in Adamawa Dialect of Fulfulde Language

Mustapha Abubakar


The study attempts to explain on Morphological Processes in respect of Adamawa dialect of Fulfulde. It is with these views the research is aim to examine the word formation in Fulfulde Adamawa, the objectives are to identify word formation into Fulfulde Adamawa, classify word formation based on three types: and to find out whether the Fulfulde have infixation, tonal, stress change, clipping, back formation. The origin of Fulɓe and Fulfulde Language, as West Atlantic Language of Niger-Congo chain of family. The geographical location and the dialectal variation were highlighted. Lastly we have observed that Fulfulde language like other languages where word formation is possible, word is formed through various processes like affixation, reduplication, and modification. An example in Affixation: where prefixed is a morph or a morpheme is added to a lexeme at the beginning: Ba+wuro = Bawuro “Name of person and a town†respectively. The methodology and population of the research were also carried out with data collection.

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