Women as Agents of Subjugation and Reformation: An Analysis of Jobi-Tume’s Not That Woman

Vivian Chinenye Onuegbu


A lot of studies have been carried out under feminist discourse. In fact feminism seems to have been over-flogged in African fiction as majority of the African female writers dedicate their time and attention in promoting the image of the new African woman who is not just fearless but a goal getter. This study applies African feminist concepts of Stiwanism and Sisterhood to critically look at women as agents used in marginalizing other women and also women in sisterhood providing emotional and financial supports to other women. This research through contextual analysis of the selected African play reveals how women have unknowingly or knowingly be the reason why male sexiest and chauvinist exist. It equally explores how women through nongovernmental organizations provide help to lift a fallen woman. Being that promoting the image of African women is a trend, this researcher dims it relevant to support this course by educating women. The selected writer through her play have contributed her quota in achieving the set goals by unmasking ways women put others down or uplift others. This research equally explores the relevant literary techniques adopted by the playwright which contribute positively to the accomplishments of their plays.

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