Relevance of Arts and Crafts in Awka South Contemporary Society

Ann C. Onyekelu & Onyinye V. Okoyeuzu


This research work aims at expressing the values of arts and crafts in Awka South society today.This study explains arts and crafts to be something that reducedstress and tension. Crafts played a major role in maintaining well-being of individuals and societies. The expression of one’s mind in form of an art work has so much importance to us. Over the years arts and crafts have been in existence. It was dated back to antiquity. People used the things found in their cultural environment to provide basic things they need for a healthy lifestyle. These things were used to improve their standard of living. Africans were mainly craftsmen.They relied in art work for survival and existence. Even the Europeans to a great extent deal in arts and crafts.The research work highlighted the benefits of arts and crafts in Awka South today. Also how we can improve in arts and crafts as a field of life.This study also explained how people who engaged in arts and crafts perceived it. The significance of arts and crafts were seen in three ways: a. The meaning and value of arts. b. The feeling experienced during craft activity and c. The benefits of arts and crafts to humanity. As an activity, arts and crafts helped participants to handle life situations, elements of arts and crafts that enhance well-being can be traced to both the artefacts and the sense of achievement gained in producing them. The effects of arts include personal growth, development of physical and cognitive skills, control of one’s body, thoughts and feelings, as well as cultural and social awareness.Government should give recognition to arts and crafts by providing facilities to enhance its development. Also people who have achieved so much through it should be recognized and appreciated.

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