Sunday Chukwuemeka Gold


Utagba-Uno culture and festivals in the 19th were very unique and well organised. Some of these festivals and the way of life of the people of Utagba-Uno remain a long term legacy in the community that can never be easily erased in a hurry. The festivals and culture of Utagba-Uno in the period affected and influenced the entire populace of the community. The Paper using an analytical and descriptive methods of research argues that the contributions of festival and the unique culture on the people impacted on the community politically, economically and socially etc. It was noted that the community has a well- orgnaised and well-structured festivals that attracted people from different villages across the quarters of Utagba-Uno. On the aspect of the culture, different classes of people in the era in question coordinated themselves very well because of the punishment and the consequences meted for violator of the laws of the land. Crime like adultery and stealing were regarded as a sheer abomination. Those involved in such aspect of crime were severely punished. The work finds and conclude that the people of Utagba-Uno should discard and do away with culture and festivals that are inimical to the social-economic development of the community. Some of such festivals include the Ikenga festivals that encourage the use of dangerous weapons during the celebration. In addition, the people of Utagba-Uno should uphold the good aspect of culture that encourages development and growth of all kinds.

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ISSN:2504-8694, E-ISSN:2635-3709Â