Obiageli Theresa Nsolibe


A dramatic text is created with a lot of inherent parts such as character and characterization, plot and its elements, idea and language in all ramifications. In all these parts, action performed by character is a crucial aspect because it helps to further the plot, to express idea and contribute to spectacle, giving deeper meaning to the actions performed by the individual and group characters. Each characterization symbolizes something. Some people find it difficult to understand actions performed by characters in drama and what their actions symbolize.  Again, it is not easy for people to understand why characters either individually or in group behave the way they behave or take actions they take thereby judging them without understanding them. Appropriate character is created by a playwright in his work according to the dimensions the play revolves, like physical, social, psychological and spiritual dimensions. This work therefore, delves into the process of character development and symbolism in two drama works from individual and group perspectives. Data for the study are gotten from two plays: Nke M Ji Ka (NMJK) by female playwright, Gabreila Nwaozuzu; and Eriri mara ngwugwu (EMN) by Goddy Onyekaonw, male playwright. Survey method is used and the theory for analysis of data is Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalysis Theory It is observed that both male and female characters can either be realist, idealist or centrist characters. It is also observed that both characters can suffer loss of self-esteem psychologically and these can happen to individual or group’.

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