Emmanuel Chukwudi Ugwu, Christian Okey Nwaiwu


In every successful illocution there must be in exchange perlocution as a response whether positive or negative but much desire is the former. Perlocutionary act is the resultant outcome based on proper delivery of the illocution. The novel used here Iheoma my Dear was in response of earlier one written by Kelechi’s friend Iheoma in order to untie certain grievances. The writer decided to reply the letter received in reaction to the earlier illocution. Thus negative or impolite assumptions about Kelechi were resolved with positive responses. Using qualitative information based on the act in the language writing and speech in conveying a meaningful response communication, the work adopts textual analysis in analysing the data by employing the Levinson’s Tri-Heuristic Theory to support the acts and force in perlocution. So, for every locution in communication to be effective there must be well organised illocution that will produce an end product of response as a reply, that is the perlocution.

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