Christian Ezenwa Chukwuajalike Ogwudile


This study investigates inflection in the Ezeagu dialect of Igbo with emphasis on the verb inflection. A descriptive approach based on surface structure analysis was adopted. Verbs were inflected for tense and aspect, mood and polarity in the dialect. The study observes that some inflectional affixes and strategies of achieving inflection in the dialect differ from those of standard Igbo. Vowel harmony was also found out to be stronger in the dialect when compared with that of standard Igbo and consequently influences the choice of affixes used to achieve inflection on verbs. Ezeagu dialect employs strategies such as the optional use of the open vowel prefix a/e, affix sequencing and more of suffixation to achieve inflection. Tone plays an important role in achieving inflection in the dialect just like in standard Igbo. The paper points to the profound insight available from the study of various Igbo dialects.

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