Promotion of Cultural Values through Art: A Legacy for Posterity

Livinus Kenechi Ngwu, Francisca Onwuasoanya


Works of art are visual records embodying the culture, tradition and the obtainable happenings of a given geographical zone. They are efficacious in documenting the life history of a given generation and in transmitting those recorded values to the following generations that would make use of them as reference points. Unfortunately, the effect of colonialism was very drastic on traditional African art, which the colonialists treated contemptuously. Their inherent values were degraded, their presence was rejected and their continuity was jeopardized. The focus of this study is to expatiate on the imperative role of art in upholding the cultural values of a people and the importance of passing such legacies across to the future generations. Artistic visual documentation is an invaluable means of preserving the cultural essence of a race and a reliable source of cultural promotion, which this paper seeks to inculcate, for the benefit of both the present and future generations. To effectively carry out this research, published texts relevant to this study were consulted, which led to proper development of this paper. It is evident that works of art are culturally specific and serve as durable media of cultural heritage documentation, which are very pertinent to be passed across from one generation to the other, for cultural sustenance and promotion.

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