The Importance of Wood in Home Furniture and Interior Decoration

Labode Oladoyin, Lovina Ebele Onwuakpa


This study is a survey of the use of wood in the art of interior decoration and home furnishing. Attention  is  given  to  selection  of  wood, wood preservation, wood structure, methods of seasoning, wood finishing,  maintenance  and  the care  for  wood  materials. There  is  focus on  the  uses  of  wood, cleaning agents for wood, arrangements  of  furniture  in  homes  and  advantages  of  wood  furniture. The researchers identify the types of woods that are used for interior construction and home furnishing. They discuss  the  factors  that  contribute  to consumers' choice of materials for home furnishing and also investigate wood materials that are durable  for  house  construction. The  study  was  carried  out  in  Abeokuta  South  Local  Government  Area. AbeokutaSouth Local Government occupies an area of 57.35sq Kilometers  with  an  estimated  population  of 250,278  according  to  the  2006  population  census.

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