Waste-To-Art Practice and the Need for Cultural Specificity in the Works Production

Livinus Kenechi Ngwu


The evolution of culture is a continuum, and as culture develops, the modus operandi of the people is modified in all ramifications to align with the prevailing development of the citizens in the society. There would always be introduction of new ways of life as adopted from other cultures, because man as a gregarious creature would always interact. But, when an innovation is exotic and incomprehensible in a given cultural certain, it hinders its acceptance as well as adoption. This paper seeks to highlight the imperativeness of waste-to-art practice in Nigeria, but further addresses the extraneous approaches that would frustrate effective appreciation of its products. There would be examination of some waste-to-art products in Nigeria to ascertain their level of acceptance, appreciation and patronage within the country. Besides, there would be review of relevant catalogues, journals and textbooks. It was found out that when works are congruent to a given societal expectation, it facilitates profuse appreciation, and encourages patronage.

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