Anayo Ossai


Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) is the collection of indigenous knowledge, customs, and beliefs that have supported ecosystems for many years. A peaceful coexistence of human and the environment in Igboland is fostered by the people's deep grasp of the environment and rich cultural legacy. However, present-day Igboland is delicately faced with a variety of ecological and environmental challenges. These problems pose a major threat to the area's viability and the welfare of its population. This paper uses TEK to delve into the depths of Igbo culture and demonstrate how it is linked to environmental sustainability. The paper adopted Roy Rappaport’s Ecological Anthropology Theory to determine how environmental stewardship promote the understanding of ecosystems, biodiversity and interconnectedness of all living things that can foster protection of environment for the present and for the future. The data was collected through primary and secondary sources while qualitative was used in the analysis. The findings reveal that the customary behaviors, ceremonies, and native knowledge systems ingrained in Igbo customs, shows their significant impact on the management of resources, preservation, and ecological equilibrium. The study also discovered that Igbo agricultural methods like crop rotation, diversified farming, and natural pest control systems are also the epitome of peace with the environment. Moreover, the Igbo hold a sense of responsibility for the preservation of specific natural features, like plants, animals, landscapes, and ecosystems since they consider them to be sacred. Through an analysis of the interactions between Igbo communities and their surroundings, this research aims to demonstrate the significant contributions made by TEK towards the development of modern sustainable ecological practices. Investigating Igbo culture reveals a wealth of information that could be used to inform contemporary conservation tactics and generate a greater understanding of the relationship between environmental sustainability and culture. The paper recommend revitalization of TEK, integration of TEK into policy and decision making, combination of TEK and Western science, and promotion of capacity building as critical for environmental sustainability in Igboland.

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