Geoffrey Chiazo Nganwuchu, Kenechukwu Afunugo


This research work discussed the religio-ethical implications of Igbo youth’s mass migration from Nigeria: the tantrums, challenges and lessons. This study was guided by the following objectives: to examine the reasons behind the mass migration phenomenon among Igbo youths, the impact of mass migration on the religious beliefs and practices of Igbo youths, the ethical challenges emerge as a result of mass migration among Igbo youths, and the social and cultural consequence of mass migration for Igbo community in Nigeria. The study recommended some remedies to stop the exodus. The study employed the survey research design. Questionnaires and interviews were used for data collection and analyzed using probability sampling technique. The findings revealed that the factors responsible for Igbo youths mass migration includes: human rights violations such as child marriage, sexual exploitation particularly for women, violence and unpaid labour. It confirms that the migration of Igbo youths is a reality by the respondents to the questionnaire. It is concluded in this study those Igbo youths mass migration is clearly a strategy for economic emancipation. Igbo youths leave in order to get established and pave way for other family members in the cities. It is therefore recommended that education and awareness, developed educational programs that emphasize the importance of preserving cultural heritage and understanding the religio-ethical dimensions of migration can reduce mass migration amongst Igbo youths. This can be done through workshops, seminars, and awareness campaigns targeting both the Igbo community and the host societies. Interfaith dialogue can foster interfaith cooperation between different religious communities to promote understanding and respect for diverse belief systems. This can help mitigate tensions and conflicts arising from religious differences.

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