A Legal Appraisal of Property Rights of Women in Nigeria

Mabel O. Izzi


Property whether tangible or intangible, moveable or immovable is the
foundation for social, economic and political prestige. It is one of the most
durable capital asset an individual can own. The right to hold and own
property is an inherent right which every human possesses by virtue of
being members of the human family. In Nigeria, property rights have been
recognized, guaranteed and protected by a plethora of international,
regional as well as national laws. However in most communities within
Nigeria, women are not eligible to own properties, they still suffer serious
infringements of their rights to own property, particularly, due to the
patriarchal nature of the society. This paper seeks to discuss the
impediments/restrictions to the actualization of women's property rights.
The paper examines the relevant laws and their effectiveness. The paper
recommends strategies that will ameliorate this issue and ensure the
realization of property rights of women in Nigeria.

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