Leonard, Ezeh


The activities of every contemporary work organization can only be actualized through the collaborative and combined effort of its members. The relationship between the work organization and its members is usually governed by what motivates them to work and fulfillment they derive from it. The manager or supervisor needs to understand and appreciate how to elicit the cooperation of his workers or subordinates and influence as well as direct their performance or productivity towards achieving the goals and objectives of the organization. The manager must know how best to motivate staff, so that they can work willingly and effectively within the organizational setting. This undeniably entails a complex processes hence, a herculean task for contemporary managers of work organization. In this regard therefore the current paper shall be preoccupied with the following issues: conceptualize underlying concept of motivation; identify the major types of motivation; and articulate the etiologies of demotivation. Also, the study outline the major consequences of demotivation; relevance/benefits of motivation; and strategies for motivating employees.  Key words: Intrinsic motivation, Extrinsic motivation, Productivity

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