Ogechukwu Ngene


We applaud them
We celebrate them
We frown when they are criticized
Their narrative; simply put—
Restoration of forefathers’ wealth
Sweet yet dumb
Started as thieves
Now blood thirsty
In a bid to sustain and build more
They tear bodies in pieces
Incapacitation looms—
Destruction aflame
walls of griefs falling bit by bit
Men wailing in suicidal force
Without comfort to grab
of destruction caused on built wealth for years
No matter the sugarcoating
You are a THIEF
In case you’ve forgotten
THIEVES take what isn’t theirs
Hey, you, you can drop it all today
You can disrupt your quest for greed
And embrace life the right way
~~~Ogechukwu Ngene is a passionate poet. She graduated from the Department of English Language and Literature, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria. Email Id:[email protected]

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