Jude Onebunne, Ignatius Onwuatuegwu


Belongingness is the African Metaphysics of To Be. Many foreign policies and actions have over the years threatened and continued to endanger the existence of Africans as authentic Africans as well as the African Continent. Besides the abolished slavery and out-modelled neo-slavery as well as other reasons for which ever Africans have been forced to relocate their bemoaned geographical environment to a susceptible better one, Migration has itself raised great many questions on the African Metaphysics of To Be and has casts great doubt on the authentic Africanity of Africans within and without African continent. Using the method of critical analysis, the researchers find out that migration really questions the much lauded belongingness and much prized togetherness expressed in many African rooted concepts as Igwebuike, Ibuanyidanda, Onyeaghananwnneya and at most, the much esteemed communalistic extended family system that claims to accommodate all. The researchers, however, recommend finding solution to our African problems within African continent and a return to the clarion call of Africa Unite.

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