C.F. Nwakesiri, P Obasi


Women  empowerment can be defined as  women gaining control over their lives, and participating in making  decisions that affect them in home, community, government and the world at large while Economic empowerment of women means  increasing the economic, social and political strength of women and these can be done by providing an adequate opportunities for them in other to develop their potentials, improve their  quality of life so that they can contribute to the development of the communities and nations. Efforts made so far towards women empowerment has yielded little fruits. Using critical analysis this study discusses the economic empowerment of women against the background of their current status which may include the following:  Role of women in western culture, women in political economic and educational zone and hostilities, gains and disadvantages of empowering women and it is recommended that the role of women in national development is crucial to the  development of any country therefore, African nations owe it as a duty to remove those artificial and institutional barriers based on religion, culture, or traditional considerations which have deprived African women in participating effectively and freely in national affairs such as in politics, education and economic levels.  Keywords: Economics, Africa, Gender Inequality Women and Empowerment

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