
Contraceptive use is the intentional adoption of any device or act aimed at the prevention of pregnancy. One of its major benefits is giving its users the right to decide when and how many children to have. Global uptake of contraceptives has been on the increase however, is low in sub-Saharan Africa and Nigeria in particular. The aim of this study was to examine the implications of the low use of contraceptives in Nigeria, through a critical look into contraception trends, contraceptive methods, factors influencing non-use, and the role of male partners in contraceptive use. The study employed the use of secondary data, majorly drawing facts and statistics from the United Nations Reports on World Contraceptive Use. The study found that although the uptake and use of contraceptives in Nigeria is appreciable, however a lot of challenges are still faced in achieving this objective. The study concluded that preventing unwanted pregnancy and intentionally limiting number of children can curb rapid population growth which is detrimental to the developmental goals of the Nigerian nation.

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