Patrick Ik. Umezi


Asusu bu isi sekpu nti na mwulite obodo. Site n’okike uwa, mmekorita na-adi n’etiti mmadu na ibe ya bu ihe uwa ji aga. Mmekorita a na-aputa ihe site n’asusu, maka na o bu site n’asusu ka mmadu si eziputa ebumnobi ya. Na nchocha a, nwanchocha bu n’obi ichoputa oru asusu Igbo na-aru na mwulite obodo, o kachasi n’ebe o si metuta ndi Igbo. Asusu Igbo abughi naani maka nzikoritaozi n’etiti ndi Igbo, o bukwazi njirimara ndi Igbo. Mgbe obula a na-ekwu maka mwulite obodo n’ebe ndi Igbo no, asusu Igbo bugodu ihe mbu ga-agbata mmadu n’obi, maka na asusu bu ndu mba. Asusu na-ekewa mba ma na-achikotakwa mba. Ya bu, o bu site n’asusu ka e si enweta ihe ndi ozo a ga-eji wulite obodo, maka na mmadu na-eche echiche site n’asusu ya. Ya bu na nchocha a ga-eleba anya n’oru asusu Igbo na-aru n’iwulite obodo di ka o si metuta ndi Igbo, uzo asusu Igbo si nyego aka na mwulite obodo, oghom di n’ileghara asusu Igbo anya di ka akarangwa e ji ewulite obodo, uzo a ga-esi kwalite asusu Igbo di ka akarangwa mwulite obodo, nakwa uzo a ga-esi chekwaba asusu Igbo ka o ghara inwu.

Language is a major aspect of nation building. Right from the origin and creation of the world, human relationship and communication have been the mover and pivots of developments. This relationship has been made possible with the help of language. This is because it is through language that human thoughts are manifested. In this research, the researcher has the intention of finding out the benefits of Igbo language in nation building, especially among the Igbo people. Igbo language is not only the means of communication among the Igbo people, it is equally a symbol Igbo unity and identity. Whenever nation building is mentioned among the Igbo people, the first thing to come to mind is the Igbo language, because it is part and parcel of their life. Language unites and divides nations. So, materials for nation building come from language, because language guides people’s thought. By and large, this research will look into the functions of Igbo language in nation building, especially as they affect the Igbo people, how Igbo language had helped in nation building, disadvantages of neglecting Igbo language as a material for nation building, ways to promote Igbo language as a veritable material for nation building, and how to sustain and prevent Igbo language from extinction.

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