An Overview of the Trend of Befitting Burial among the Present-Day Igbo Speaking People-Societies of Nigeria

Chidiobi, Okechukwu Christian; Ibekwe, Juliet Chinenye


This study x-rayed the trend of befitting burial among the Igbo-speaking people or societies of Nigeria. Death is an inevitable part of every biotic component of God’s creation which man is invariably part of. As man journeys through life, death has become part of his regrettable realities which can never be wished away no matter how hard he tries to avert it and no matter his wealth, intelligence, academic status, influence, connections, religious positions and so on. After death, the obligation of the living to the deceased; is burial. In most African traditional religions or societies and in particular, in Igbo worldview or cosmology, it is believed that burial facilitates an easy transition of the dead to the great beyond and ensures that the departed gains entry into the spirit world. Burial also ensures that the spirit of the dead person does not hover around to torment the living. This by implication explains some of the pertinent reasons for burial. However, in the present-day Igbo societies of Nigeria, burial has assumed another worrisome dimension. The befitting burial has taken a center stage. It has become a concern to well-meaning Igbo people. The development has reached an alarming stage and something drastic has to be done to address the issue. Investigation from this study as well as personal experiences and eye-witness accounts of the authors, reveal that many families had gone the extra mile and out of their way to organize befitting burial for their departed loved ones. While many bereaved families out there are still looking forward to organizing the same for their departed ones. Given this, this study examined the causes of befitting burial, factors to be taken into consideration while preparing for such burial as well as its consequences. In general, the paper at the introductory part looked at death in man’s earthly journey of life, the concept of burial and that of benefitting burial as well as perspectives on burial across the world. Using the qualitative historical methodology, the study, analyzed and assembled the content of the secondary sources obtained from peer-reviewed books, online and journal publications, and so on as well as oral interviews, eye witness accounts and personal experiences of the authors on which the study relied heavily on. Among many other suggestions, the study concludes by noting that families of the deceased should conduct the burials of their deceased based on their financial capacities because the essence of burial is to bid farewell to the deceased and not to please the world or the crowd of invited and uninvited mourners by extravagant spending on things which are only enjoyed by the living.

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